Thursday, January 5, 2012

Creation: Statement of Goals

I just completed my first semester in the MBA program at WT (with a 4.0...go me! ).  These were the first business-related classes I have ever taken, and to be honest it was an experiment to see if I would be interested enough in the content to pursue a business degree.  I was astonished to discover that...I love it!  Last semester I took economics and financial planning, and my next classes are management and marketing. 

But there is a snag.  At the beginning of last semester, the department asked me to get my resume and statement of goals together to complete my admissions packet.  The admissions committee will meet any day now, and my statement of goals is not complete!!!  I've hit a mental block, and try as I might I cannot seem to get around it.  

These are/were my goals, but I can't really submit them to the admissions committee:
  1. When I grow up, I want to be tall.  (Well, that obviously didn't happen!)
  2. Get a degree.  (check)
  3. Find a job.  (check)
  4. Keep that job. (Working on it)
  5. Get a car that won't break down every 2 months. (check)
  6. Get a house. (CHECK!!!)
  7. Keep said job so that I can keep the house and the cars!!!!!!!!!  (WORKING ON IT!)
  8. Make myself so valuable to the company they will never get rid of me (This is where the MBA comes in handy.  I'm pretty sure this will also require super powers...still working on that!)
  9. Provide a safe and stable home to raise a family in. (Working on the first part, no one get excited about the second part!  Not gonna happen for at least 2 more years!)
So, as you can see, these are all PERSONAL goals.  None of them says what my career goals are except #8, and those are mostly narcissistic.  LOL. 

I was finally able to get 2 paragraphs down on paper, but now I'm stuck again.  I feel like a mentally-impaired, illiterate cave man!  I can save a bunch of money by switching to GEICO, but I can't seem to write a simple statement of goals!   Think I'll go watch some SVU and mellow out.  

FYI, the nicotine-craving monster would just push through and get this thing done!  Type a sentence, smoke, type a sentence, smoke, type a sentence,.....   I'm having to learn how to be brilliant w/out cigarettes.  I think they may have been the secret to my success! :)

Y'all have a wonderful night!


  1. Finding a good husband wasn't a goal? sniffle...

  2. Are you blind??? #2.5 specifically says "Find a good husband." Geez... (oops! love you hunny! :)

  3. Write out your life as if it was a company :D
    For example - "6. Get a House" You could call it, corporate expansion :P
    "9. Provide a safe and stable home to raise a family in. (..." to Update company facilities and policies to allow a safer and more productive environment for current and future Employees

  4. You can do it!! Good luck with the quitting!! Keep it up!!
